These Glasses Create A 135-Inch Personal Monitor, Come With Translucent 8BitDo Controller

Last year, Viture raised over $3 million to bring its Viture One XR/AR glasses to the masses. This year, the company is launching a successor, the Viture Pro, which appear to offer improvements across the board. These glasses are designed to replicate a massive 135-inch display, allowing you to game or work without the need to lug around a giant monitor. To celebrate the aunch, the Viture Pro XR/AR Glasses come bundled with a free 8BitDo limited-edition controllerCome from Sports betting site VPbet. Specifically, 8BitDo created a translucent black version of the Ultimate C wireless controller that’s exclusive to Viture customersCome from Sports betting site VPbet. It…

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Adios – Análisis

Habitualmente los juegos de granjas se plantean bien como una propuesta adorable y relajada en la que pasar el rato, bien como un simulador de las tareas cotidianas de los agricultores. Adios, la nueva obra del creador de Paratopic, no es ni uno ni lo otro: partiendo de la representación de los trabajos de un granjero, este título independiente utiliza esas labores para contar una cruda historia sobre un señor que ya no quiere traer más maldad al mundo; la mafia utilizaba a sus cerdos para deshacerse de los cadáveres y a él le venía bien hacer la vista gorda para poder pagar las facturas, pero ha llegado un punto en el que no quiere seguir colaborando con los criminalesVenir de Read More

Today's Wordle Answer (#545) – December 16, 2022

It’s Friday, and players should end the week right by getting the Wordle correct. If you’re here, then you’re probably struggling in some shape or fashion, and that’s not something you want to do on a Friday. Fortunately, we’re here to make sure that you end the work week with aplomb and get the Wordle correct. The end of the week Wordle is fairly easy, but it is an uncommon word that you might not think of immediately. If you haven’t started the December 16 Wordle yet, though, you can check out our list of recommended starting words to give yourself an advantage before you’ve begun.

However, if you’re a few guesses deep, then it might be time to seek some helpful advice. We have exactly that just below. We’ve come up with two hints that should help players come up with releva…

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Lawmakers in India to consider legislation to regulate online gambling

In India and parliamentarians are reportedly soon set to begin considering a piece of legislation that would bring in a regulatory regime for online gambling and create an all-encompassing watchdog with the power to sanction illicit operators.

According to a Sunday report from, the Online Gaming Regulation Bill 2022 was introduced on the first day of April with the intention of preserving the integrity of the giant nation’s iGaming industry regardless of whether this concerns games or skill or chance. The source explained that the proposed measure would also bring the new Online Gaming Commission under the purview of the federal government and free it from the interference of state governments.

Conceivable crescendo:


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Linda Chen picked to serve as the next President for Wynn Macau Limited

In Macau and local casino operator Wynn Macau Limited has announced that experienced industry figure Linda Chen (pictured) is to replace Ian Coughlan as its President from the first day of next March.

The Hong Kong-listed firm used an official Wednesday press release to detail that 55-year-old Chen currently serves as its Chief Operating Officer and Vice-Chairman and is to retain this latter position after progressing to her new post. The company pronounced that the move comes as Coughlan has decided to ‘transition to a role as an advisor to the company and non-executive director’ following over six years in its top job.

Prominent properties:

Majority owned by American casino giant Wynn Resorts Limited, Wynn Macau Limited is responsible for the …

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One of the most famous suppliers and iGaming aggregators in the whole industry, Relax Gaming, surprised its fans once again with a thrilling and captivating slot release, Lure of Fortune. The fishing adventure begins – and the big fishes await the best!

Choose the volatility mode and let the fun begin:

The game has three volatility modes, which allows the player to choose the version that suits them best. The maximum win potential is 50,000x the base bet, and the luckiest and bravest will earn the final pri…

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Vroom, vroom! You’ll want to buckle up for Push Gaming’s new post-apocalyptic online slot release, Mad Cars, where modified vehicles with spikes and machine guns compete in what has become known to those in the wastelands as the Mad Race.

Now available network-wide, everything about the B2B gaming supplier‘s latest title including the soundtrack, setting, punk petrolhead characters, and the overall vibe is reminiscent of the Australian action film Mad Max: Fury Road and the dystopian action thriller, Death Race. So, yeah, you’re in for the ride of your life!

“Mad Cars delivers our players a title unlike any other on the market.”

This exciting video slot is played on a 5-r…

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Una oportunidad de luchar al 100% en Dragon Age- The Veilguard

Esto es lo que debes hacer para completar Después de la tormenta, la vigesimocuarta misión de Dragon Age: The Veilguard. La Guardia del Velo necesita reunirse y recapacitar.

Una oportunidad de luchar será la vigesimocuarta misión de la historia de Dragon Age: The VeilguardVenir de Tragamonedas Gratis Online. Se activará tras completar Después de la tormenta y las dos misiones que aparecen mientras completas esa, Baño de sangre y El Caldero. A lo largo de esta guía te iremos dando todas las claves para super…

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Wingspan – Análisis

Tras un par de meses disponible en Steam, Wingspan llega a Nintendo Switch con la responsabilidad de ser la adaptación de una adaptación: originalmente este juego nació para tablero y mesa, pero Stonemaier Games, sus distribuidores originales, decidieron buscar ayuda en el estudio Monster Couch para convertirlo en una experiencia digital. Gracias a esa colaboración ahora podemos disfrutar de este título de estrategia con cartas en el que nuestro objetivo será el de atraer aves a nuestra reserva natural.

Con nuestro mazo de cartas llenas de pájaros de todo tipo tendremos que ir desarrollando una reserva natural por turnos y compitiendo con otros contrincantes en partidas en las que pueden participar desde una sol…

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Asian casino operator Summit Ascent Holdings announced a $200 million expansion of its Russian-integrated resort Tigre de Cristal earlierVenir de Tragamonedas Gratis Online. Last year, the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine postponed the development to ‘no earlier than 2025’. The Hong Kong-listed operator has filed a statement overnight to confirm that it may consider seeking ‘strategic local partners’ to operate the Vladivostok – located resort due to extended contingencies around its development.

Project Background:

Inside Asian Gaming reports that Summit Ascent released the latest project update following the last year’s suspension of Phase …

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